08 June 2020

Dragon's Breath

By Bud Koenemund

For Lindsay

I’m thinking of you wearing that turquoise
Sundress; incandescent in the twilight.
Longing sparks a fire; spirits rejoice;
Embracing until o’ertaken by night.
Shadows disguise; clothes bunch ‘round knees and waists;
Mouths meet hungrily, then whispers implore;
Inhibitions are abandoned to haste;
Flames intensify as fingers explore.
Lust envelopes us in the Dragon’s breath;
Two bodies become one, while heat radiates
From flesh demanding a little death:
That paradise where desire’s sated.
   We are consumed when our passion explodes;
   Then reborn to worlds of pleasures untold.

03 June 2020

Blue Eyes Blue

By Bud Koenemund

For K.

I see the sadness hidden in your eyes;
A pain you try to bury, which lurks still;
Nearer the surface than you know; disguised,
Yet visible; lingering ‘gainst thy will.
Heartbreak and loneliness are compounding
Sorrows; breeding doubt; confusing every
Setback with tragedy; poisoning
The soul. But, trust time will dull memory,
Allowing you to heal. Made whole once more;
Emerging stronger; by love enfolded;
The gleam renewed in those sapphire orbs –
Shining like sunlight thawing Winter’s cold.
   My intent is these verses bring delight;
   A smile, if brief, to draw day from night.